Hi! I am Baylee Sacco-Thomas, I am 27 years old and living in sunny Southwest Florida with my husband Nelson. We discovered early in our relationship our shared passion for philanthropy. I knew I wanted to end up in the nonprofit world and alas, The Sacco-Thomas Foundation was born.
You might be wondering what this is all about and the answer in short is Early Onset Alzheimer’s. This disease is near and dear to my heart, being that my dad was diagnosed in 2020. We knew there was something going on starting in 2017 but the official answer came three years later. It’s been a few years that we have been living with this disease and unfortunately the information is the same. There weren’t any nonprofits where the focus was on those affected by Alzheimer’s under the age of 65, let alone for a person in their 50’s. The feeling that no one else knows the frustrations of what you’re dealing with is incredibly lonely. Once I started sharing my story, the more people who are affected by EOA started to come out and I knew that this is what I needed to do.
My goal for the Sacco-Thomas Foundation is to build a safe space for those affected by EOA. I am going to be publishing a monthly newsletter and am always going to be open to suggestions for topics. To come read, learn, share, feel and most importantly know there is somewhere to turn to. To create connections that otherwise could not be formed. I am glad that you’re here.
“Do whatever your ingenuity and your heart suggest. There is little or no hope of any recovery in memory. But a man does not consist of memory alone. He has feelings, will, sensibilities, moral being… and it is here that you find ways to touch him. In the realm of the individual, there may be much that you can do.” - A.R. Luria (Russian Neuropsychologist)
Contact us!
Email: baylee@saccothomasfoundation.com